Driving School
The Eurogames Driving School System is an educational attraction consisting of specially modified kid cars running on a custom designed track. Young drivers can experience the thrill of driving while actually learning. Children 3 years and older learn basic driving skills and road sign meanings and they can even earn their own “driver’s license” in a playful setting that gives them real-life teachings while having a lot of fun.
Our standard Driving School System uses two special battery operated Mini Car models – CABRIO and CITY CAR – which feature real life functions working just like in real cars: two seat belts, horn, head and tail lights, turning lights, accelerator and brake pedals, complete dashboard and reverse gear. Upon request, these features can be installed in our Big Car and other Mini Car models to add to the variety of vehicles on your track and make the Driving School experience even more life-like.
At Eurogames, we design and manufacture all components of the Driving School System: from the track to the vehicles, from traffic lights to buildings, from police cars to fire engines to architectural accents – like bridges and park benches – to fictional characters and much more. Custom-designed vehicles for kids and props can also be supplied in any style and shape according to our customers needs.
"Behind-the-wheel" is here! The complete set of all the educational accessories to turn your track into a real driving school for kids, where learning the rules of the road becomes endless fun!
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